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2017-12-11 S.B. miin. Exec.Sess.

Town of Princeton, Mass. – December 11, 2017 – 7:30 PM
Selectboard – Executive Session Minutes – Town Hall Annex

Present:  Chair Jon Fudeman, Richard Bisk, Edith Morgan w/ TA Nina Nazarian.

Classification & Compensation Study   9:20 PM  Selectboard took roll call vote in regular session and opened executive session.
        Discussion on the draft Classification & Compensation report by the Collins Center. Richy questioned some language in the report, and some minor corrections were made.
        Richy presented a comparative view of the proposed pay, noting that there were some positions for which the proposed pay would be higher or lower than the median maximum or the median minimum. Nina noted that job descriptions for positions are not always identical to ones outside the organization. Therefore, as an example, there may be internal differences in responsibly that cause the position to be scaled higher or lower than external survey numbers.
        Edie asked if some positions had multiple people who worked under the same title. Nina responded that there were, and that it should be taken into consideration proportionally when implementing rate changes.
        One item which remained a concern for Richy was that the recommendation for a classification schedule with nine grades was listed as having a range of 30%. According to Richy’s calculation, it would be 34.6%. He explained that there would need to be less than the 15 steps presented to maintain 30%. Nina suggested that there may be a rounding difference.
9:48 PM On a motion made by Jon, seconded by Edie, the Selectboard voted 2-0-1 to accept and implement the Classification & Compensation Study as presented, including the proportional calculation for the positions in which there are multiple employees. Roll call Jon “aye”, Edith “eye” and Richy “abstain.” Richy abstained given the lack of resolution on the classification schedule range, identified in the report at 30%.
9:51 PM  Selectboard closed the executive session with Richy making a motion to adjourn, Edith seconded and in roll call vote they adjourned with Jon, Edith and Richy each saying “aye.”
9:52 PM  On a motion made by Jon, seconded by Edie, the Selectboard voted 2-0-1 to accept and implement the Classification & Compensation Study as presented, including the proportional calculation for the positions in which there are multiple employees.

Respectfully submitted, Nina Nazarian, town administrator

Selectboard Referenced Documents:  Classification & Compensation Study November 2017; Richy’s comparative view of the proposed pay.